الخميس , 24 أكتوبر 2024
الرئيسية » أخبار الحوادث والقضايا » متابعة لقصة الابتزاز الالكترونى بواسطة المليونيرة الجميلة

متابعة لقصة الابتزاز الالكترونى بواسطة المليونيرة الجميلة

قام بالتجربة: محمد سيف

طلبت السيدة الأندونيسية الجميلة طلب صداقة على الفيس، ثم عرضت رغبتها فى تحويل مبلغ 2 مليون دولار لانفاقهم على الفقراء والارامل فى مصر. والحت فى الطلب حتى اقبل، ورفضت فى البداية وطلبت مهلة للتفكير. (طبعا لعلمى انها نصابة، لان طبعا موضوع الفلوس ده مش هتلاقى كام واحد فى على سطح الكرة الارضية يرفضه). ثم طلبت بياناتى. فارسلت اسمى ورقم تليفونى واسم المحافظة. واخيرا ابلغتنى أن مدير أعمالها سوف يشحن المبلغ فى حقيقة دبلوماسية مغلقة برقم سرى. والرقم السرى هو (861) وتم الشحن من بريطانيا حيث اقامتها بعد زواجها. وانى على فقط دفع رسوم الشحن بالعملة المحلية فى مصر والتى تبلغ 1500 دولار فقط يعنى تقريبا 25 ألف جنيه. والطبع اخبرتها انه يمكن توفير هذا الملبغ.

وطلبت أن يكون ذلك سرا وأن لا اخبر أحد بالمال حتى افتح الخزنة فى بيتى، وارسلت لى صور للمال والخزنة والحقيبة وطريقة التحنيط.

وطبعا فيه ناس برياله كتير دفعوا رسوم الشحن مقابل لا شى.

ولانى خارج مصر ولن اتمكن من استلام الاموال بنفسى فطلبت من أخى الاستاذ عادل سيف المحامى أن يقوم بالواجب فتوجه الى مباحث الأموال العامة لتحرير محضر مسبق، وقابل الكابتن هشام كامل بالاموال العامة الذى اكد له ان هذه العملية الحقيرة يقوم بها اصحاب شركة الشحن وانها ليست أول محاولة للابتزاز الالكترونى، ولكن للاسف أن البلاغات تأتى بعد وقوع الفأس فى الرأس.

وجاءت ساعة الصفر واتصل بى الحقير من رقم 01154095856 وحدثنى باللغة الانجليزية من داخل مصر لانه نسى يحول للعربى مود.

وكان ردى عليه: Don’t call me again يا ابن الل………..

احذرو ولا تصدقوا أحد فالحداية لا ترمى كتاكيت. والنصاب يصطاد الطماع، فالسماء لا تمطر ذهب ولا فضة ولا تعيش احلام اليقظة وتدق الوهم. واليكم تفاصيل القصة بنفس نص الحوار على الماسنجر من البداية الى النهاية.



أنتم أصدقاء على فيسبوك

درست في ‏‎Queen Mary University of London‎‏

تقيم في ‏كاليفورنيا سيتي‏

إثنين 5:23 م

يمكنكما الآن التواصل على Messenger.

Hi, Jessica



nice to meet you

nice to me too

could you tell me something about yourself?



Thanks for your response. i am from Indonesia but my husband is from Hanoi and we live in United Kingdom , I lost my husband on August 16, 2014 . meanwhile i have been struggling with cancer for long time and my doctor said that the present stage is uncontrollably and I have a few months more to live .





God help you

my best wishes with soon recovery

There is no far from Allah



thank you for your concern \

i want you to help me help m handle a project in your country

not at all

excuse me, I have some jobs to do. And I’ll come back to chat with you

bye for now



okay i will wait to hear from you

i have something to discus with you

إثنين 11:06 م

Good evening

I’m back again

I’m waiting this thing you would like to discus with me



am very happy to hear from you, before the death of my husband , he work a contract with the British government worth of 4.7 million dollar, but death took him away before the money is sent to my bank account , my husband was a philanthropist before his death , he also encouraged me to help poor peoples , because since we got married we have not been able to have any child . because of the condition of my health i have sent two million Pounds to my home town ( Indonesia ) and have deposited 700,000.00 dollar to the hospital for my medication ,

what you have spent in good is good. It will stay in your balance in at the hands of Allah.

What is the problem then?



thank you for your kindness, i will like to send the remaining two million dollar to you so that you will help me to give it to the poor peoples and the widows over there in your country as instructed by my late husband since we did not have any children to inherit this money , Please do not discriminate on religion , race , ethnicity when handling this project . Try to reply me immediately for more information . May God bless you and your family ,

why do you trust me to spend your money in good. Why don’t you imagine that I’m greedy and I will keep all the money for myself. I myself don’t trust myself to be so fair and honest in spending such great amount of money. So, excuse me to apologize for this task. And let me enjoy the friendship of such a kind woman like you.



I wanted to give this money for the less privileged people in over there through you , Thank you for your attention to my situation and i pray that God will give you a good heart to handle this project with sincerity because i will not be there watching you for this project or know how you spend the money , but God will be there to see you , you should take 30% of the total money for your personal use and use the rest for charity work .

Jessica, give me chance to think.



oh my god like i need your response so i can know what to do even if it is he last thing i have to do just to put a smile in the face of the less privilege

I will tell you my decision tomorrow in shaa Allah.



okay am waiting

12:07 م

Good morning Jessica. Why don’t you forget your cancer and live your life, love, marry, enjoy and do good thing with yourself. A lot of healthy people will die before you but they are enjoying now.

If you would like to marry and enjoy your life tell me.



thank you my dear i would have wished for that but considering my condition

i wish to do this project so i can put smile on the face of the less privilege

forget your condition and create a certain condition that makes you happy. don’t surrender to this condition. you are sill living and you are still beautiful to marry



i know

so, why not



i want to do this please

i have you now and am so happy for that

If you insist to do such good project, you may come to Egypt to have treatment and follow your project. I promise you to stand side by side for you.



now as the case ,maybe i cant work on my own so you can see the doctor has been trying his very best do i will still go for another surgery but i want to do this first so this children and widows can pray for me to survive this

Ok. so you can send me the money to start founding a charity with the name of Jessica for

help the poor



God Help you

I accept to carry out you project for 30 % for me. And this amount will be so enough for me to spend all my time to handle this charity on the best way.



I want you to send me your infomation such as your full name , province, complete house addressr , phone number, and tell me the kind of work you are working presently , I will contact my bank manager to know the best way to send the money to you in your country . Dear Please keep this very secret , do not tell anyone about this money until you receive and save the money , this is my address No. 42 Eamont Close, LE2 , Leicester United Kingdom …. I need your full name , province, complete home address, telephone number


Mohamed Saif Awad Allah

Egypt. K.F.S.



The united bank, Egypt, K.F.S. branch

These are all information to send me for founding your charity

God bless you and help us.






thank you very much my dear i have seen your information may God bless you as your bring your self out to be the help for the churches , Orphanages Widows poor and i hope you will not disappoint me because i so much believe in you i need you to understand that who work for God is also working for him or her self may God bless you

May Allah bless me and you



I will forward your information to my manager to know the best way to s end the money to you safely

I have contacted my bank manager to know how to secure confidential and easiest way to transfer the money to your country , and the bank manager told me that if i transfer the money through Bank ( swift transfer ) that i have to face interrogation and examination of the British government because the do not allow such big amount to be transferred . the bank manager said that the easy and safe way to transfer such big money is through diplomatic agents ,

diplomatic agents don’t do good, they may ask the half of the money to accept transfer it. So the best way to spend this money in your country. Each country has a lot of poor who need much money.

Good may accept your kind intention in yours.

The most important thing for me to have such a kind friend like you.



I have concluded to use this method ( using the services of delivery company ) to bring the money to your country , i have contacted CITY SPRINT DELIVERY COMPANY and by Gods grace they will finish everything in few hours from now .

أربعاء 11:56 م

God help us.

2:17 م



I want to tell you that I have completed the process of sending the money through CITY SPRINT DELIVERY COMPANY , the package has been awarded to a diplomat completely sealed and labeled as luggage diplomatic and the total money in the suitcase was 2,000,000.00$ { two Million Dollars } this is the code of the box *** it is only you that has the code , even the agent did not know this code number ,





the delivery company will leave UK today and arrived in your country monday as soon as the delivery company arrives in your country he will give the custom officers your contact to call you so that you will be directed on how to clear the package from the custom office though it may require a clearance fee which have to be paid to the custom service in your local currency there once again congratulations do not tell anybody about this money until you received it in your house as the delivery company warns for security reasons

3:19 م

ok, I will tell you as soon as I receive the money.

God help you and me


hello please my dear the manager said you have to make sure the custom fee is available before the arrival of the agent so he can pay the fee once he arrives and deliver the box to you

أحد 2:04 م

how much does the fee cost?



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