السبت , 27 يوليو 2024
الرئيسية » أخبار مصر » President es-Sisi threatens to smash those trying to approach the Egyptian safety.

President es-Sisi threatens to smash those trying to approach the Egyptian safety.

During the latest conference held by the Egyptian president es-Sisi, he discussed the current situation of riot and conflict in the Middle East, especially in Gaza, and promised to get rid of anyone who might  plan to harm the Arab Republic of Egypt

The last week witnessed a number of riot and criminal actions staring from the ground attack of Israel on Gaza , and ending with the rocket hit on Egypt from Israel. It was reported that Israel hand in hand with the USA had been planning to expel Palestinians out of Gaza under the title of ‘ mass exodus’. President Joe Biden stated part of the USA budget is dedicated to support Israel. More than five million dollars were intended to be given to Egypt in exchange with part of Sinai for Palestinians. Claimed to be the victim, The USA tried to put an end to the suffering of Israel by dismissing Palestinians out of their proven land.

..An explicit refusal of the western scheme

On the Egyptian side, es-Sisi declared his complete refusal of the western suggestion and ordered them not to infer in Egypt affairs, saying that such suggestions should not be offered by any country expect Egypt, and that he would not allow anyone to achieve what does not cope with Egypt wishes and aspirations. Obviously, the foreign plan of evacuating Palestine goes exactly with Biden’s statement that Israel is the best investment that the USA could ever make.

..The source remains unknown

It was reported that three missiles had been shot on Egypt till now, landing on Taba, Rafah, and Noebaa . Israeli military claimed it was not the doer, saying that the rocket was estimated to be hit from 200 km. The Egyptian authorities assured they had been checking the matter and would  not pardon the thrower . Egyptian president repeated that Egypt and its safety is a red line and that anyone who tries to plan against it will receive the deserved punishment. He said that the whole world must know this(his threat), and that the Egyptian army is fighting the evil not the good

Reported by Hager Saif

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